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Maintenance Planning


There are two types of maintenance viz Condition Based Maintenance and Time based Maintenance. All developments in the field of maintenance have focused on detecting a defect at an early stage to facilitate preventive and corrective actions to be taken in time in a planned manner.

Technological advancement has made it possible to not only detect the fault at a very early stage but also follow the development of the fault and predict the failure. By leveraging the technological developments it is possible to carry out most of the maintenance, hither to being carried out in a fixed time basis, based on the condition of the equipment.

The most important factor in a maintenance programme is the inspection, which can either be subjective using the senses of touch, sound & vision or objective using various measurements. The fact that subjective inspection is important and cannot be avoided needs
to be appreciated.

Maintenance planning calls for setting Standards for inspection, categorising the inspection and scheduling the inspection. The maintenance strategy will not be effective unless the inspection standards are correctly set using both technical knowledge and experience.The other critical areas in maintenance planning are the Criticality assessment, Condition assessment and refurbishment plan.

CAN Consulting can help in planning your maintenance by working with your team in  preparing standards for all categories of inspection for various equipment leveraging our knowledge  and  experience, scheduling the inspection and effectively implementing them.

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